
User Manual

Tri©DB overview        

  • Home: Primary entry to the database Tri©DB.

  • Database: The data table and detailed information of drugs, targets and diseases. Side bars show some statistics.

  • Api Access: The web interface for access to the data of Tri©DB.

  • About: The detaild website introduction and the method to construction.

  • Help: User guide for browse and access to the data of Tri©DB.

  • Login: Entrance for user registration and login, required for data submission from user.

Quick Start of Search        

A Search box is used for searching the basic information of interest by clicking the search section in the home page of Tri©DB.

    (1) First, you should choose the icon of the specific entry that are relevant to the content you search.


    (2) You can input drug, target, disease attributes (the table below for details) in the search bar.               


    (3) Clicking the Search button will take you to the Data Table page of search results.                

Tutorial for browsing drugs in Tri©DB        

    (1) Users can browse the basic information of drugs by clicking the drug database section at the top of the home page of Tri©DB.            


    (2) Users can browse the detailed information of a drug by clicking the drug name.            


Tutorial for browsing targets in Tri©DB        

     (1) Users can browse the basic information of targets by clicking the target database section at the top of the home page of Tri©DB.           


    (2) Users can browse the detailed information of a target by clicking the target name.           


Tutorial for browsing diseases in Tri©DB        

     (1) Users can browse the basic information of targets by clicking the disease database section at the top of the home page of Tri©DB.            


     (2) Users can browse the detailed information of a target by clicking the target name.            


Tutorial for generating reports in Tri©DB        

When users log in to Tri©DB, the annotation channel will show in the top menu. The annotation page is divided into four main modules:            

  • Sample: Forms for user-defined sample and variant calling data uploading.

  • Project: The comprehensive module for managing samples and performing annotation tasks.

  • File: The module to manage uploaded files.

  • Report: The module to manage and download reports.            

The following is an example of starting annotation            

(1) Enter the annotation interface.             


(2) New a Project and add samples, then start the annotation.             


(3) Manage or download the report.             


The format of input files        

    The reporting platform allows users to upload the files of somatic variants (.vcf), copy number alterations (tab-separated file) and structure variants (tab-separated file) from secondary (such as validation or orthogonal) sequencing, TricDB will invoke various variation annotation pipelines and workflows in the background to annotate and evaluate genomic features. Examples of input files are  cnv_demo.txt    sv_demo.txt    snv_demo.vcf .

    Single Nucleotide Variants            

   VCF file is the standard file format for storing variation data and is widely used in bioinformatics analysis. If  users want the Single Nucleotide Variants (SNV) annotation results, please provide the VCF (File Format: VCF - GDC Docs ( file of the sample.            

   Copy Number Alteration            

   Different pipelines have various outputs in CNV inferences (Bioinformatics Pipeline: Copy Number Variation Analysis - GDC Docs ( We use GISTIC 2.0 ( format  by default. Please download and view the example for details.            

   Structural Variant            

   We provide six different structural variant annotations, including DELETION, TRANSLOCATION, DUPLICATION, INSERTION, INVERSION and FUSION. If the structural variant is functional fusion, please provide two different gene partners of gene A and gene B, otherwise provide two identical genes. Please download and view the example for details.            

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